Your comprehensive source for trade

Analyse trade flows between countries for commodities.

Gain detailed insight into exports and imports of a wide range
of commodities on a global scale to undertake benchmark
analysis, improve strategic decision making, predict future
trends, evaluate new markets and capture business

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Global Trade Tracker
  • Understand your markets

    Data include exports and imports broken down by commodity group and by selected economies and regions.
  • Analyse trade flows

    Examine bilateral trade flows and trade balances for a vast range of commodities and countries. Track trade flows over time on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.
  • Follow the trends

    Our interactive charts allow you to grasp the trends with ease. Furthermore, customise the filters to tailor the results for your specific needs.
What Industries do we cover?
  • Oil & Energy

    • Oil Fields
    • Gas Fields
    • LNG Plants
    • Regasification
    • Pipelines
    • Shale
    • CSG
    • Oil Refineries
  • Battery Metals

    • Copper Mines
    • Copper Smelters &
    • Cobalt Mines
    • Lithium Mines &
    • Lithium Refinery
    • Nickel Mines
    • Nickel Smelters &
    • Lead Mines
  • Bulk & Steel

    • Metallurgical Coal Mines
    • Thermal Coal Mines
    • Iron Ore Mines
    • Iron Ore Pellet Plants
    • DRI/HBI Plants
    • Steel Plants
  • Base & Light Metals

    • Zinc Mines
    • Aluminium Smelters
    • Alumina Refineries
    • Bauxite Mines
  • Precious Metals

    • Gold Mines
    • Silver Mines
AME is a bridge between the complexity of on-site
engineering and commercial reality. We offer real,
actionable insights with our engineering models,
valuations, and market analysis.
Find out how we can help