Your comprehensive guide to taxes & royalties

Gain real insight into the “government take” from
royalties to payroll taxes, to community costs.

AME’s online database features tax rates, royalties and
information for all major countries and jurisdictions worldwide.
It includes current rates for corporate income tax, sales tax,
social tax, value-added tax, payroll taxes and more.

Interested in global taxes and royalties?
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Global tax tracker
  • Understand the costs

    This comes in the form of taxes, royalties, levies, special environment fees, property taxes and payroll costs.
    In aggregate, taxes are usually one of the largest, and often the largest single cost item for an operation or company.
  • All the data

    AME’s Fiscal Database includes current country and state/province rates for corporate income tax, sales tax, social tax, value-added tax, payroll taxes and more.
    We also offer insights into royalties based upon commodity, project, tonnage, revenue and land size.
  • Find potential savings

    AME’s Fiscal Database gives you clarity on the taxes to expect, how the “tax take” has changed over time and how savings can be made.
    All tax and royalty information is updated regularly.
What Industries do we cover?
  • Oil & Energy

    • Oil Fields
    • Gas Fields
    • LNG Plants
    • Regasification
    • Pipelines
    • Shale
    • CSG
    • Oil Refineries
  • Battery Metals

    • Copper Mines
    • Copper Smelters &
    • Cobalt Mines
    • Lithium Mines &
    • Lithium Refinery
    • Nickel Mines
    • Nickel Smelters &
    • Lead Mines
  • Bulk & Steel

    • Metallurgical Coal Mines
    • Thermal Coal Mines
    • Iron Ore Mines
    • Iron Ore Pellet Plants
    • DRI/HBI Plants
    • Steel Plants
  • Base & Light Metals

    • Zinc Mines
    • Aluminium Smelters
    • Alumina Refineries
    • Bauxite Mines
  • Precious Metals

    • Gold Mines
    • Silver Mines
AME is a bridge between the complexity of on-site
engineering and commercial reality. We offer real,
actionable insights with our engineering models,
valuations, and market analysis.
Find out how we can help