What is a company’s real value on an ongoing basis? We can answer this illusive question.

Our methodology involves aggregating a company's
major assets or sites. We then assess and forecast the
capex and opex of each major operating asset. This is
only possible as we build a fully functioning and detailed
engineering model for each site.

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Gain deeper understanding
  • Financial database

    Our detailed company database includes:
    • Financial information
    • Revenue by commodity
    • Net cashflow by sector
    • Valuation by sector
    • Long-term forecasts
  • Site reviews

    Gain insight from a detailed review of each major site owned by the company.
    They offer the greatest depth available without having to commission a special study.
  • Cost curves

    Generate cost curves for each input variation to undertake comprehensive cost scenario analysis and benchmarking.
What Industries do we cover?
  • Oil & Energy

    • Oil Fields
    • Gas Fields
    • LNG Plants
    • Regasification
    • Pipelines
    • Shale
    • CSG
    • Oil Refineries
  • Battery Metals

    • Copper Mines
    • Copper Smelters &
    • Cobalt Mines
    • Lithium Mines &
    • Lithium Refinery
    • Nickel Mines
    • Nickel Smelters &
    • Lead Mines
  • Bulk & Steel

    • Metallurgical Coal Mines
    • Thermal Coal Mines
    • Iron Ore Mines
    • Iron Ore Pellet Plants
    • DRI/HBI Plants
    • Steel Plants
  • Base & Light Metals

    • Zinc Mines
    • Aluminium Smelters
    • Alumina Refineries
    • Bauxite Mines
  • Precious Metals

    • Gold Mines
    • Silver Mines
AME is a bridge between the complexity of on-site
engineering and commercial reality. We offer real,
actionable insights with our engineering models,
valuations, and market analysis.
Find out how we can help