Ensure the future of your asset

Labour, energy and consumable input costs drive the
operating costs of most operations.

Understand the share of each cost component for an
operation and what will drive future costs so you can value
an asset and see where operational improvements can be

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Assess operational efficiency
  • Energy costs

    A strong grasp of what the energy costs will be a vital to understanding what the operational future holds for that asset.
  • Labour costs

    Labour costs are often the most varied and complex as regional variations and skill sets can be considerable.
  • Consumable costs

    Track the cost of consumables, such as country-level fuel prices, electricity and water tariffs.
What Industries do we cover?
  • Oil & Energy

    • Oil Fields
    • Gas Fields
    • LNG Plants
    • Regasification
    • Pipelines
    • Shale
    • CSG
    • Oil Refineries
  • Battery Metals

    • Copper Mines
    • Copper Smelters &
    • Cobalt Mines
    • Lithium Mines &
    • Lithium Refinery
    • Nickel Mines
    • Nickel Smelters &
    • Lead Mines
  • Bulk & Steel

    • Metallurgical Coal Mines
    • Thermal Coal Mines
    • Iron Ore Mines
    • Iron Ore Pellet Plants
    • DRI/HBI Plants
    • Steel Plants
  • Base & Light Metals

    • Zinc Mines
    • Aluminium Smelters
    • Alumina Refineries
    • Bauxite Mines
  • Precious Metals

    • Gold Mines
    • Silver Mines
AME is a bridge between the complexity of on-site
engineering and commercial reality. We offer real,
actionable insights with our engineering models,
valuations, and market analysis.
Find out how we can help