Access and compare investment opportunities with our custom site analysis.

For operational improvement, financial assessment of your
asset or simply to achieve a better understanding as an
investor, you must have an engineering and financial model.
Our site reviews include historical data and short, medium
and long-term forecasts.

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Gain deeper understanding
  • In-depth review

    Our engineering models offer the greatest depth available without having to commission a special study.
  • Discover and compare

    Discover and compare the risks, financial return, capital outlay and industry attractiveness of any asset through our thousands of unique assessments.
  • Technical expertise

    We leverage the technical industry experience of our engineers and geologists to perform site valuations at a granular level.
What's included?
  • Summary analysis

    • Saleable production
    • Financial snapshot
    • Prices
    • Onsite and offsite costs
    • Capex
    • Depreciation
    • Tax
    • NPV
  • Appraisal

    • Introduction and appraisal
    • Operation history
    • Tenements and geology
    • Technical information
    • Logistics and admin
    • Sales and marketing
    • Permitting
    • Environment
  • Costs

    • Onsite and offsite costs
    • Site unit costs
    • Cost and margin curves
    • Global relative ranking
    • Supply chain analysis
    • Valuation analysis
    • Short, medium and
      long-term forecasts
  • Production

    • Production by product
    • Production by process
    • Product quality/grade
    • Reserves and Resources
    • Onsite and offsite costs
    • Short, medium and long-term forecasts
  • Carbon

    • Carbon emissions
      (Scope 1 and 2)
    • Carbon intensity
    • Short, medium and long-
      term forecasts
  • News and updates

    • The latest key news and
    • All site data is reviewed and updated on a
      quarterly basis.
What Industries do we cover?
  • Oil & Energy

    • Oil Fields
    • Gas Fields
    • LNG Plants
    • Regasification
    • Pipelines
    • Shale
    • CSG
    • Oil Refineries
  • Battery Metals

    • Copper Mines
    • Copper Smelters &
    • Cobalt Mines
    • Lithium Mines &
    • Lithium Refinery
    • Nickel Mines
    • Nickel Smelters &
    • Lead Mines
  • Bulk & Steel

    • Metallurgical Coal Mines
    • Thermal Coal Mines
    • Iron Ore Mines
    • Iron Ore Pellet Plants
    • DRI/HBI Plants
    • Steel Plants
  • Base & Light Metals

    • Zinc Mines
    • Aluminium Smelters
    • Alumina Refineries
    • Bauxite Mines
  • Precious Metals

    • Gold Mines
    • Silver Mines
AME is a bridge between the complexity of on-site
engineering and commercial reality. We offer real,
actionable insights with our engineering models,
valuations, and market analysis.
Find out how we can help