Benchmark carbon intensity across sites and Industries

AME's Site Carbon Curves allows the user to generate carbon intensity reports at a site level across all commodities.

You can benchmark carbon intensity across all sites within an industry to evaluate the future costs and competitiveness as environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations become increasingly crucial, and as carbon costs come into play. You can also compare carbon intensity between industries, such as steel and copper.

Evaluate Competitiveness

Given the global push for decarbonisation, we set out to explore the current state of the industry, and to understand related costs and the investments required.

The modeller will illuminate the carbon emissions intensity of an operation, allowing you to compare and contrast operations within an industry and across industries. This means you will clearly see which operations are set to lose out as tightening regulation, namely "carbon costs", come into play.

As the global economy shifts to a lower-carbon world, the carbon profile of an operation will be crucial to its investor attractiveness and future competitiveness.

Determining emissions

AME utilises and calculates a vast range of technical parameters when determining emissions, including operational scale, production methods, geological factors, power sources, and equipment types and numbers. We cover Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.

We estimate carbon emissions using a combination of company data, internal emissions modelling, regional and industry level emissions factors and internal production and shipment data.

What industries do we cover?

Oil & Gas: Oil Fields, Gas Fields, LNG Plants, Regasification, Pipelines, Shale, CSG, Oil Refineries. Battery Metals: Copper Mines, Copper Smelters & Refiners, Cobalt Mines, Lithium, Nickel Mines, Nickel Smelters & Refineries, Lead Mines, Lead Smelters & Refineries. Bulks & Steel: Metallurgical Coal Mines, Thermal Coal Mines, Iron Ore Mines, Iron Ore Pellet Plants, DRI/HBI Plants, Steel Plants. Base & Light Metals: Zinc Mines, Zinc Smelters & Refineries, Aluminium Smelters, Alumina Refineries, Bauxite Mines. Precious Metals: Gold Mines, Silver Mines.

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AME's Site Carbon Curves
allows the user to generate
carbon intensity reports at
a site level across all

The carbon emissions
profile of an operation will
be crucial to its investor
attractiveness and future

AME is a bridge between the complexity of on-site
engineering and commercial reality. We offer real,
actionable insights with our engineering models,
valuations, and market analysis.
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