February 2024
Indonesia holds a prominent position in supplying the international copper market. Its copper in concentrate production currently ranks fourth in the world after Chile, Peru and China, accounting for approximately 5.0% of the total global copper concentrate supply.
Indonesia is currently ranked 10th amongst the countries with the highest copper reserves in the world, estimated at around 24Mt. These substantial reserves are primarily concentrated in regions like Papua and Java, which serve as the cornerstone for the country’s sustainable mining operations.     Two Copper Mines in Operation The Grasberg copper-gold mine in West Papua, the crown jewel of Freeport McMoRan’s mining empire, is currently the world’s second-largest copper mine. AME projects that by 2029, it will surpass the current No. 1 Escondida mine in Chile, becoming the largest copper concentrate producer globally. The sustainability of Grasberg's production projection relies heavily on the continuous development of its substantial underground deposits.